home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ###############################################################################
- # hybrid-6 script (c) 2000 Edward Brocklesby
- # includes modified code from da5id's newons.irc
- #
- # usage: (stuff in [] is optional)
- # /kline [time] <nick or user@host> [reason] (add a tkline, defaults to 60)
- # /pkline <nick or user@host> [reason] (add a kline)
- # /dline <IP or CIDR mask> [reason] (add a dline)
- # /gline <user@host> [reason] (request a gline)
- # (reason in the above commands defaults to 'No reason')
- #
- # /unkline <user@host> (remove a kline or tkline)
- # /operwall (send an Operwall)
- # /locops (send a locops)
- # /opermsg <server> <message> (send 'message' to all opers on 'server'
- # Note: only works if target server is running hybrid-6)
- #
- # mail bugs/fixes/feature requests to ejb@leguin.org.uk
- ###############################################################################
- alias operwall quote operwall :$*
- alias locops quote locops :$*
- alias opermsg msg opers@$0 $1-
- alias dline {
- {if ([$1-])
- {quote dline $0 :[$N] $1-}
- {quote dline $0 :[$N] No reason}}}
- alias pkline {
- {if ([$1-])
- {quote kline $0 :[$N] $1-}
- {quote kline $0 :[$N] No reason}}}
- alias kline {
- if (isnumber($0))
- {if ([$2-])
- {quote kline $0 $1 :[$N] $2-}
- {quote kline $0 $1 :[$N] No reason}}
- {if ([$1-])
- {quote kline 60 $0 :[$N] $1-}
- {quote kline 60 $0 :[$N] No reason}}}
- alias unkline {
- quote unkline $*}
- alias gline {
- if ([$1-])
- {quote gline $0 :$1-}
- {quote gline $0 :No reason}
- }
- on ^211 * {
- echo $cparse(%K[%w servstats%K]%n $[-40]1%K%K: %wS%K:%W$[4]{[$4]/1024} % wR%K:%n$[4]{[$6]/1024} %wQ%K:%n$2 %wT%K:%n$[12]tdiff2($7) %wI%K:%n$[3]8 %K[%w$9- %K])}
- on ^249 * {
- echo $cparse(%K[%w servstats%K]%n $1-)}
- on ^kill "% % % *" echo $cparse(%K[%w operkill%K]%n $2 killed $1 reason: $4-)
- on ^kill "% % %.% *" echo $cparse(%K[%w servkill%K]%n $2 killed $1)
- on ^351 "*" echo $fmt.num.ver($*)
- on ^oper_notice "* unauthori%ed client connection *" echo $fmt.snot.ucon($*)
- on ^oper_notice "* client connecting% *" echo $fmt.snot.con($*)
- on ^oper_notice "* client exit% *" echo $fmt.snot.disco($*)
- on ^oper_notice "* stats *" echo $fmt.snot.stats($*)
- on ^oper_notice "* links *" echo $fmt.snot.links($*)
- on ^oper_notice "* % added k-line *" echo $fmt.snot.kline($*)
- on ^oper_notice "* % added d-line *" echo $fmt.snot.dline($*)
- on ^oper_notice "* %-line active *" echo $fmt.snot.active($*)
- on ^server_notice "% % added %line *" echo $fmt.snot.addline($*)
- on ^server_notice "* %line for * removed" echo $fmt.snot.remline($*)
- on ^oper_notice "* % has removed the K-Line*" echo $fmt.snot.unkline($*)
- on ^oper_notice "* % has removed the temporary K-Line*" echo $fmt.snot.untkline($*)
- on ^oper_notice "* * is doing a %whois *" echo $fmt.snot.whois($*)
- on ^oper_notice "* Nick change: From*" echo $fmt.snot.nick($*)
- on ^oper_notice "* * count off by %" echo $fmt.snot.count($*)
- on ^oper_notice "* % added temp% *" echo $fmt.snot.tempk($*)
- on ^oper_notice "* % is clearing temp *" echo $fmt.snot.rehash($*)
- on ^oper_notice "* % is forcing %reading *" echo $fmt.snot.rehash($*)
- on ^oper_notice "* % is rehashing server *" echo $fmt.snot.rehash($*)
- on ^oper_notice "* got signal sighup% *" echo $fmt.snot.rehash($*)
- on ^oper_notice "* % high-traffic *" echo $fmt.snot.htm($*)
- on ^oper_notice "* resuming standard *" echo $fmt.snot.htm($*)
- on ^oper_notice "* user % % tried to *" echo $fmt.snot.mflood($*)
- on ^oper_notice "* MOTD requested *" echo $fmt.snot.motd($*)
- on ^oper_notice "* Flooder * on * target: *" echo $fmt.snot.flood($*)
- on ^oper_notice "* Possible Drone Flooder*" echo $fmt.snot.dflood($*)
- on ^oper_notice "* % % is now operator %" echo $fmt.snot.oper($*)
- on ^oper_notice "* Quarantined nick *" echo $fmt.snot.qline($*)
- on ^oper_notice "* X-Line Warning *" echo $fmt.snot.xline($*)
- on ^oper_notice "* X-Line Rejecting *" echo $fmt.snot.xline($*)
- on ^oper_notice "* spoofing:* *as*" echo $fmt.snot.spoof($*)
- on ^oper_notice "* POSSIBLE /names abuser *" echo $fmt.snot.names($*)
- on ^oper_notice "* New Max Local Clients: *" echo $fmt.snot.maxcli($*)
- on ^oper_notice "* server % being introduced by *" echo $fmt.snot.netjoin($*)
- on ^oper_notice "*" echo $fmt.snot.onot($*)
- on ^server_notice "*" echo $fmt.snot.gen($*)
- @ opermotd = [NO]
- on ^server_notice "*Start of OPER MOTD*" @ opermotd = [YES]
- on ^server_notice "*End" @ opermotd = [NO]
- alias fmt.num.ver return $cparse(%K[%w version%K]%n) ^Bserver^B $2 ^Bversion^B $chop(1 $1) ^Bflags^B $3 $4
- alias fmt.snot.gen {
- if (opermotd == [YES]) {
- return $cparse(%K[%w opermotd%K]%n) $2-
- } else {
- return $cparse(%K[%w server%K]%n) $1-
- }
- }
- alias fmt.snot.netjoin return $cparse(%K[%w netjoin%K]%n) $2 -> $6
- alias fmt.snot.maxcli return $cparse(%K[%wmaxclients%K]%n) $1-
- alias fmt.snot.names return $cparse(%K[%w names%K]%n) $1-
- alias fmt.snot.spoof return $cparse(%K[%w spoof%K]%n) $1 [$3] as $5
- alias fmt.snot.qline return $cparse(%K[%w q-line%K]%n) $2-
- alias fmt.snot.xline return $cparse(%K[%w x-line%K]%n) $2-
- alias fmt.snot.con return $cparse(%K[%w connect%K]%n) $3 $4
- alias fmt.snot.ucon return $cparse(%K[%w unauth%K]%n) $5 $6
- alias fmt.snot.disco return $cparse(%K[%w exit%K]%n) $3 $4 $5-
- alias fmt.snot.stats return $cparse(%K[%w stats%K]%n) $2 requested by $5 $6 from $7
- alias fmt.snot.links return $cparse(%K[%w links%K]%n) $2 requested by $5 $6 from $7
- alias fmt.snot.kline return $cparse(%K[%w kline%K]%n) $1 for $chop(1 $rest(1 $5)) reason: $chop(1 $rest(1 $6-))
- alias fmt.snot.dline return $cparse(%K[%w dline%K]%n) $1 for $5 $6-
- alias fmt.snot.active return $cparse(%K[%w active%K]%n) $1-
- alias fmt.snot.addline return $cparse(%K[%w added%K]%n) $2 $3-
- alias fmt.snot.remline return $cparse(%K[%w removed%K]%n) $2 $3 $4
- alias fmt.snot.unkline return $cparse(%K[%w unkline%K]%n) $1 for $chop(1 $rest(1 $7))
- alias fmt.snot.untkline return $cparse(%K[%w unkline%K]%n) $1 for $chop(1 $rest(1 $8))
- alias fmt.snot.whois return $cparse(%K[%w whois%K]%n) $1-
- alias fmt.snot.nick return $cparse(%K[%w nick%K]%n) $[-9]4 to $[9]6 $7
- alias fmt.snot.flood return $cparse(%K[%w flooder%K]%n) $2-
- alias fmt.snot.dflood return $cparse(%K[%w flooder%K]%n) $1-
- alias fmt.snot.count return $cparse(%K[%w client%K]%n) $1-
- alias fmt.snot.tempk return $cparse(%K[%w tempk%K]%n) $1 for $8 lasting $4 mins reason: $chop(1 $rest(1 $9-))
- alias fmt.snot.rehash return $cparse(%K[%w rehash%K]%n) $1-
- alias fmt.snot.htm return $cparse(%K[%w htm%K]%n) $1-
- alias fmt.snot.skill return $cparse(%K[%w servkill%K]%n) $7 killed $3 $10-
- alias fmt.snot.okill return $cparse(%K[%w operkill%K]%n) $4 $5 $6 $7 $10-
- alias fmt.snot.mflood return $cparse(%K[%w msgflood%K]%n) $[-9]2 $3-
- alias fmt.snot.motd return $cparse(%K[%w motd%K]%n) requested by $4 $5 from $6
- alias fmt.snot.oper return $cparse(%K[%w oper%K]%n) $1-
- alias fmt.snot.onot return $cparse(%K[%w server%K]%n) $1-
- on ^wallop "% *" {
- switch ($2) {
- (Received) {
- xecho -level snote $fmt.wallops.squit($*)
- }
- (Remote) {
- xecho -level snote $fmt.wallops.connect($*)
- }
- xecho -level snote $fmt.wallops.wallops($*)
- }
- xecho -level snote $fmt.wallops.operwall($*)
- }
- (LOCOPS) {
- xecho -level snote $fmt.wallops.locops($*)
- }
- (*) {
- xecho -level snote $fmt.wallops.none($*)
- }
- }
- }
- alias fmt.wallops.squit return $cparse(%K[%w servwall%K]%n %r!%R$0%r!%n) $2-
- alias fmt.wallops.connect return $cparse(%K[%w servwall%K]%n %r!%R$0%r!%n) $2-
- alias fmt.wallops.wallops return $cparse(%K[%w wallops%K]%n %r!%R$0%r!%n) $4-
- alias fmt.wallops.operwall return $cparse(%K[%w operwall%K]%n %r!%R$0%r!%n) $4-
- alias fmt.wallops.locops return $cparse(%K[%w locops%K]%n %r!%R$0%r!%n) $4-
- alias fmt.wallops.none return $cparse(%K[%w wallops%K]%n %r!%R$0%r!%n) $2-
- #ejb'y2k